Poupon, The Incredibly Normal™さんのプロフィール画像

Poupon, The Incredibly Normal™さんのイラストまとめ

As food motivated as the average corgi. sick with long Covid and obnoxious about it. NSFW alt @formetoalton. Poupon on Tumblr and Brasky.

フォロー数:990 フォロワー数:1046

thinking about...... porotrait...s...

3 29

an asari that's probably obsessed with an ancient prothean relic or smthn

4 36

just another lazy day in the backyard with the wife

3 26

his hobby is pina coladas and crazy straws and his goal is to buy the only viable beach front property in a psuedo-fantasy-european country and make people pay through the nose to stay there. he will call it a spa town. and there will be so many daquiris there

0 8

i don't know why i've been avoiding it for so long, designing men is easy as hell

4 38

listen, i'm not saying bioware copied my cat into a game before she was even born, but i am saying if you switched in a pumpkin model for the alien model, nobody would ever notice

1 20

