

mel • 22 • illustrator :) • not posting much here anymore but i still love you • icon/header okay with credit

フォロー数:224 フォロワー数:1014

saturday was my partners birthday so i drew the girls for him! :)

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the monado does not control itself. you control it!

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magical girl mythra to match with pyra! 💚✨🌟

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happy !!! i'm mel, and i'm nonbinary!

whether you're out or closeted, or even if you aren't quite sure how you identify yet, you're a lovely person and i hope you have a lovely day! 💙💗💛🤍💜🖤

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also hey! i'm mel, i'm nonbinary and golly do i love xenoblade chronicles a lot!

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yeah i know some things about xcx! its got elma.... and um........ big circle in the desert........ uh

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