

┃ᐕ) ⁾⁾ I’m Fo! Illustrator. My pockets are full of crunchy autumn leaves.

フォロー数:271 フォロワー数:418

the pIatonic Iove of my Iife turned 1 day oId today

10 23

Magic teen pals chillin out
pls read Countdown to Countdown by !! She works super hard on each panel and it shows

74 433


1 7

star fire~ Anne and I watched cartoons today (we sang my fair hatey at the top of our lungs, as per tradition)

5 14

Coincidence? I think not

0 6

Panel redraw <3! I just reached this page in the manga, too!
God do I Iove this series

9 21

Some drawings of the Royal winter fair ❤️I love my friends, what a fun day

0 11

I don't know animal anatomy, feel free to gimme feedback!!!

5 20

I couldnt... help myself.... colored version

10 16