

not spoiler free. sometimes nsfw. sort of art account and rambling. absolutely no consistency enthusiast 18+ only Peachy Dreams @ Exodus Primal DC

フォロー数:46 フォロワー数:34



okay but miss penny......... she's kinda 😳😳😳

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kains eyes in this game are really eerie pretty but then I noticed he’s got little under eye wrinkles I’m feeling some type of way

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Rooting for this little guy right here

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usless nitpick but im so sad these get shortened on viera for whatever reason?? makes no sense when they already clip normally..

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idk why I spent the last hour doing this

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makes people do eureka just so they can see louhi

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I love this enemy so much it has such a sexy design

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wait i also want to mention how much i love the way they did this version of warrior of light his face is just So.

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