

melon husks can't take my art

フォロー数:39 フォロワー数:125

- i will never stop
- i will never shut up
any questions?

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E'zarh through the years~

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I truly believe anyone can draw. That anyone can improve if they want to. Art is an ever-changing path full of twists and turns. No one's hopeless or without a future. All you need to do is to never give up, and you'll be there before you know it.
Never rest, never rust.

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oh wait i found another lost template. this entire cast is cursed

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Futo probably told her something like, "thou art allowed to join me in mine boat, ghostly fellow!", forgetting that Murasa's whole deal is sinking ships...

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"what the fuck does this mean" do i look like i know, i just fill the memes in

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oh, lapis lazuli, you are state of the art--
there's gold in your blood and blue in your heart

maybe, you'll get tired of playing pretend--
"no matter; i'll shine bright for you until the end"

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