

melon husks can't take my art

フォロー数:44 フォロワー数:134

a trio can be two depressed teens and one disgruntled barely legal uncle who met on the internet

(this is currently all that's left of smokeharm's charas bc trying to write huge casts in all of my stories is too unattainable ww)

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Today's trio is the college roommate A G E N D E R B O Y S:

Ariel the workaholic introvert, Koto the arts major extrovert, and Maki the one who smokes by the bleachers

"It's hard being short and having goddamn giraffes for friends" - makino moriya 2016

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and of course the kid versions--
2014 → 2019

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the neo-trinity................ i can find 0 drawings of them pre-2014 so i'm more or less convinced i never DID draw them back then, so have this ancient base art collab instead

2007 → 2014 → 2015 → 2016

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Wanted to do one of those art evolution memes :) So here's my model, Mortis aka S○○○○○

(a bit annoyed none of the newer mortises are fullbody but what can ya do)

2008 → 2011 → 2015 → 2018-19

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This was my unfortunately scrapped concept for the space bunny game jam that I couldn't participate in due to time constraints

it was basically "dig out the Forbidden Origin of my favorite OCs and make a game around them"

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April is the month of the trinity! I'll be showing off some of the umbraverse's trios in the next few days :)

To start with, T1CK and T0CK have come to spread the word of their master to a confused ST4R... or maybe they're just here to steal the spotlight!? Watch out, ST4R...!

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a promise under the stars...

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havent drawn in ages have a karma

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couple'a new memes fresh off the press errybody

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