Sovi Foxtrot 🇺🇦 Moving to Mastodonさんのプロフィール画像

Sovi Foxtrot 🇺🇦 Moving to Mastodonさんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:669 フォロワー数:349

With recent events and my mental health being on a harsh decline. I"m going to be taking a while away from streaming. Just to ease my stress and let me focus on saving money to try get a ball rolling to move out of the US. IF you'd like to help the gofund will be below. Be safe.

3 17

No stream today gonna spend it with the GF on her birthday See everyone next time
Big thanks to for this amazing piece for her

1 10

Good Day everyone, Thank you all for stopping by yesterday. Big Thanks for the raids by funkyjoe and the sub from my lovely GF @/Celestial_Wolfe We sent that love over to see everyone very soon!

1 5

Big thanks to all the people who stopped by and raid I won't at the all so Thanks to @/ramorgi ,@/TouvanL , keenethehobkin, and turbidpumkin for the raids. We sent the love over to I will see everyone tomorrow!

1 5

Thank you everyone for stopping by today and sticking around for the clone saga's big thanks to for the raid and we went the love over to see everyone next time!!!!!!!

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Holy heck that was the must fun i've had in in a looong time thanks to and for joining us for the laughs and just a epic campaign! See everyone soon have a wonderful weekend! We passed the love over to

3 8

At 1pm MST even though i'm not feeling it today i'm still gonna stream. Stop on by for some marbles on stream

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We did it! I've been invited to Wild Abandon! It is a great feeling, Thank you for all your hard work and the rest of you wonderful moderation team! I'm so happy i can hardly hold it in!

4 38

Dark Souls 3 is so close to a good game, but fails. That will be the last dark souls game for a while! We had a lot of fun in EDF instead with instead! See everyone tomorrow! We passed the love ove to

1 1

Lets grab our crossbows, start up song request and play some SUPER ANIMAL ROYALE

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