

2d short king truther first human being second. also on @fr1mm4l

フォロー数:1740 フォロワー数:13790

i love how in both official arts & fanarts, conan is pretty much the honorary member of akai family (even including yumi who's shukichi's girlfriend) 😂💕

2 9

a story that focus on MC where their growth centers around their self-esteem & confidence where they slowly go out of their comfort zone is so nice. it may seems nonsensical or "corny" to certain people but it's very encouraging & inspirational to me and a lot of other people.

19 108

make.... babies please?

0 18

both of them being flustered after he accidentally saw her looking "indecent" PLEASE GIMME ALL THE CLICHES

2 10


9 55

library wars absolutely amazing for this. the author really said fuck love triangle, how about i give you THREE (3) canon couple instead.

8 45

I feel like her artstyle is a crossover between Meguro Amu and Bikke but much more softer & mild. Both of these mangakas are really talented and you guys should check out, btw <3

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