

🎨 Art / NFT.OG Nueve 9s.. Been around the block'⛓️ Artist

フォロー数:973 フォロワー数:20578

This ones for my SupDucks... n my frogs. ;)
99 only... they fweee'

Opens at 7 closes at 11 give me a hot dogg!

7 47

Badly drawn still lifes that are actually good.

3 39

"This ayahuasca retreat is presented by..."

6 48

"my bags are down"

8 59

"Bro is the team doxxed?"

8 63

If someone says the word community one more time... ima be like..

10 60

Here's a portrait of that dood spreading fud in the cyberkongz discord..... bro go outside.

8 64

"When utility....??" said this guy.

7 50

"hey frankynines, the floor the floor... said this guy"

6 55