

dante | he/she/they | 20 🇸🇻🇬🇹
ig:frannieisfrantic tumblr:fransfranart

フォロー数:117 フォロワー数:137

Maybe it's best that you don't know the truth, Tashiro. Afterall, why would Sasaki be wearing a turtleneck in Summer of all times?

6 44

SasaMiya Week Day Six : Kiss (?)

It's an ALMOST kiss...

8 54

Art from May! This was finished right after Renga Week, but since I don't have anything new to share, I'm posting it now!

6 20

Happy Valentine's from a week later 💕 Everytime I finish art for them the coloring always comes out weird... but this turned out decent enough 🙏

4 14