

Mural maker author illustrator tattooer creator of @playimaginarium! backed by The Sandbox GameMakerFund coming soon! GhostClub member WorldBuilder. 🇺🇸in🇲🇾

フォロー数:1116 フォロワー数:2896

Are you a fungible or non fungible friend?

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Goodmorning world !

1 11

Me and doodle dog are ready.

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My first ever collab piece for Kodekkusu Brothers & Artists by I was feeling a little creatively drained so made this guy have little blobs of creativity shooting out of his head… I think we all feel that way sometimes!

1 13

10pm EST 10am Malaysia time this collab is dropping with on ✨✨✨🚀

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Take a look it’s in a book.

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Opened up my third eye but I think I’m doing it wrong... Animated gif I made.

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Sailor Goon neon dream.

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