

@JlYONGl: jiyong be like “i know a spot” and then never show up (read in 2024: he finally showed up guys)

フォロー数:156 フォロワー数:4414

the fact that he still stands out with a shaved head 👀

serve well jiyongie, we'll wait for u and see you in 2019 😘

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and also, dear red hair jiyongie, you will never be forgotten, we're also waiting for you to make your legendary comeback

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fluffy cherry snow ball mmmmmm he's too adorable for my weak heart i'm cyrigng

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sound check! ✔️❣️ everyone at the concert, please stay safe & keep in mind that your safety is Jiyong's priority~💗

(cr. _852vip)

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this is an unbeatable Godly Masterpiece. it's an undeniable fact.

43 83

what have i done to deserve this cheerful baby, he's so precious....💙 100% protection for this baby! must protect! 💕

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real Talent! this is no joke, this is real Masterpiece [©一只金宇] 👏

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this is Talent! this is a masterpiece! this is something that must be appreciated & loved! this is an expensive art! [©一只金宇] 😍👏

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jiyong and seunghyun will definitely hug like this after seunghyun discharge from military😭

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a fan is watching them from afar and look how they shines. that's our kings! [©trury.wong] ✨

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