

A game played on Twitter by music fans. Pick a tune (1 go only!) to match the theme. Winner sets the following week. Currently running a lite version!

フォロー数:314 フォロワー数:552

- set by “My favourite earworm at the moment is
What's everyone else's ?”

1 2

- set by “As next week will be Chinese New Year any song with a reference to the 12 zodiac animals. To start the ball rolling is The Snake by Al Wilson.”

1 2

set by “Morning from sunny Barbados, man. In honour of my Bajan hosts who seem to refer to everyone as man, songs with man (or woman - I am non-sexist) in the title? To start: ‘The Man Comes Around' by Johnny Cash “

1 5

set by “33 years to the day tomorrow (Friday) that the Beasties released 'licensed to ill' - and being its Flu season, how about songs about sickness, colds and ague??
Here's mine to kick it off”

1 7

theme by “Body Image mainly because it gave me the opportunity to select a track from Lizzo who my daughter was going to see live this week”
Lizzo - Juice (Official Video)

1 4

It’s your Thursday Shout Out for - is in the chair and will set the theme ... and I () am running the show .. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ..

2 14

set by ‘People lying or pretending to be something they're not’ Chris’ song choice -

1 2

- today’s theme is ‘Bonfire Night’ by - Elaine’s choice: - what’s yours?

1 3