Dr. Rebecca (Becca) Tarvin 🐸 ☠️ 🐍 💚🪰さんのプロフィール画像

Dr. Rebecca (Becca) Tarvin 🐸 ☠️ 🐍 💚🪰さんのイラストまとめ

Evol biologist; Asst Prof @ UC Berkeley IntBio, MVZ Herp Curator; chem ecol, molecular/tropical biol, art, politics, frogs. Tweets mine. @rdtarvin.bsky.social

フォロー数:2360 フォロワー数:4732

I am really excited to share our preprint "A set of principles and practical suggestions for equitable fieldwork in biology" https://t.co/G6uonFx5Di 1/6

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I'm not sure this paper has gotten the attention it deserves (or I missed the ruckus in my bubble): et al fed poison frogs alkaloids, and then sectioned their body and used mass spec to visualize where the alkaloids were! amazing!

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