

I'm Fro | She/Her | RWBY Bumbleby 💛🖤 my adora-bees | Please credit my art properly |

フォロー数:1158 フォロワー数:4723

This one from months ago maybe (?), I remember people love it so much it surprised me.

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Accidentally paused the episode, and, um... 👀

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Thank u Elia 🥺💛💛💛

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Purple theme, dark hair color, a bit Goth, into book, deep story hidden underneath their silence, seems pretty so not talkative at first but there are rebellious fire in their heart...

I grew up with them 😊

Can't sleep thinking why I have a thing for those ladies 🖤💜

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I'm blessed 🥺 I'm all fired up to do more and better art omg this is too much 🙏💛

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Dear many many Bees' authors out there, who are doin' their best with their words that keep me up at 2am in the morning, giggling while reading each of the words of your masterpieces:
I love your works so SO MUCH and what you are doing is so damn fucking GREAT!! \(≧ロ≦\)

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Actually there is one moar but still! 🍻❄ Let goooo

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