✨ ozma 🦷さんのプロフィール画像

✨ ozma 🦷さんのイラストまとめ

I’m Ozma/Frost. I like xenoblade and ffxiv and drawing sometimes. play AI: The Somnium Files
icon by @tricksterwish

フォロー数:303 フォロワー数:199

happy new year!!!!

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worked on pages all day. so i didnt draw any halloween pic lol.....
instead have this redesign for the most beloved poppy character, drawn in mspaint at like 1 am last night/this morning

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to prove that i have indeed been working on my art project here is A Page of poppy reboot. did i properly say i was doing that here. oh well

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oc-tober 2- Faerie Poppy

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this month for oc-tober im gonna draw a different oc in a different neopets color theme every day. heres [REDACTED] in rainbow

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