muffin mamaさんのプロフィール画像

muffin mamaさんのイラストまとめ

Tired and thriving. She/her.

フォロー数:1326 フォロワー数:526

That tension between wanting to watch the latest David Attenborough nature documentary and the feelings of fear, despair, and anger over climate change.

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When you find out the online course you've been taking has been having weekly Zoom meetings and you had NO IDEA

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In my defence, I had just come back from walking baby in the stroller and was super sweaty. 😅🤷🏻‍♀️

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Jealous of everyone, including my baby, who gets more/better sleep than I do right now.

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Baby is at the stage where she makes a lot of humming like noises (“ahhMMMNNNN” and so forth), and sometimes it sounds like the opening notes of the Jurassic Park theme and I sing it and she sorta sings along.

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Uhg I can’t wait for my building to turn on the AC

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