

Fanfic writer/translator/fanartist twin sister team. Metal Family. 🔞Made in the '80s.🔞 Profiction. EN英/JP日/SP西 (Thank you @The_Soft_Hoodie for the banner!)

フォロー数:896 フォロワー数:2969

The marvelous✨✨ is at it again with the French translation of Chapter 7 of The Citadel of Lost Children!! Original story found here: https://t.co/VEetXSST3v
French translation here: https://t.co/nUfATqxYsh
Maintenant profitez-en, dans toute sa gloire~!😍🇫🇷

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😍😍😍 What a coincidence! And today we had just stumbled upon your gorgeous Patreon reward of Môrt from last May! A full year later, and we still love it just as dearly as ever~! (He's a real catch!😘)

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Bless for this romantic gift of RickMorty, as thanks for a EN>JP translation we did for them!🇺🇲🤝🇯🇵The project was loads of fun, a great learning experience, and a wonderful way to meet an incredible shipper! You da bomb! 先生もありがとうございました!😭

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FAAAAAVORIET moments from this episode!! It was cum gutter-lickin' good!😍😍

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Capítulo 6 de "La ciudadela de los niños perdidos" se ha publicado en:
AO3 (https://t.co/bbbnrQlWN6)
Wattpad (https://t.co/jlhGT7izvw) y
FF,net (https://t.co/emdMYCbVvp)✨
Esperamos que disfruten la lectura de "El mentor" y que lo compartan con sus amigos~!💕🔖

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Happy birthday, Koshi!!!~!🎂

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Seeing as the Samurai & Shogun anime short pays homage to the Lone Wolf and Cub (子連れ狼) franchise which first came out in 1972, could WTM-72 stand for..."Wolf to Morty"?🤔🏯

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Hope you enjoy~! Happy reading!

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Capítulo 5 de "La ciudadela de los niños perdidos" se ha publicado en:
AO3 (https://t.co/bbbnrQlWN6)
Wattpad (https://t.co/jlhGT7izvw) y
https://t.co/n8lKpZTwQe (https://t.co/emdMYCbVvp)✨
Disfrutad la lectura de "El harén"~!💕🔖
(fanart de 😍)

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A stunning flower-themed interactive digital art exhibit is the perfect opportunity to wear kimono for the day and be swept away in the magic!👘🌸

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