

fuzzy 🍑 24 🍑 professional idiot 🍑 she/her 🍑I’m gay🍑

フォロー数:62 フォロワー数:206

Bonus: whatever this is

2 7

I would pay money to see them in a room together. To study the interactions they would have….

15 19

This says so much about our society

15 36

yae miko is so silly her lines about scaramouche are equally as silly to me which is why i think about it nonstop forever and ever

10 25

They have no idea what the tiktok is about

8 18

I just played a windtrace game where the hunter wasnt moving so my teammates decided to go check to see if they were afk (by becoming boxes and pushing kaeya around lol) but i stayed back and watched them both get captured last second

2 8

Forever so funny that he has 0 friends (but its a good day for him cuz he is fishing)

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