

🇵🇷 // 21 // THEY/THEM // plural // i like to keep people guessing // minors be wary, proships leave me alone // TAKEN 💍💝 2016-5ever 😋

フォロー数:473 フォロワー数:3745

ok here's all the ones i could muster 2night :-D

96 603


2 102

was doing some original stuff :~) its been a long while since ive drawn them. feels really good

3 28

no way ./ no way. no fucking way. i preached solkat being pitchy and nepeta auspiscitiicisixiinzing and. and. and . AND IAAA AND I SWAS FUFCKING RIGHT>? I WAS RIGHT??????????????????? I AM FUCKING OGIGGN TO EXPLOOOOOODEEEE I WASS RIGHTTTTTT

3 82

i am not immune to the thralls of sleazy formalwear men... sorry everyone. i let you down. taxxes is an background character- hes in the same lawyer class as gamzee :o)

34 277

its a decent hour of the day and i have alllll night to do whatever...... how many of u bozos would like to watch me freaking STREAM in abt an hour!!!!! (audience cheering) (pic attached to convince u))

0 14

ok for reference this is where everyone lives if that helps anyone . . . (for the bloodswap. obviousl(y

14 220

i cant resist waiting until a decent time to post this so u guys get back to back posts hee hee.... more of the bloodswaps obviously

87 655

finally. for the tavros likers........

137 992