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Comparing 2D linear interpolation methods of order 0, 1 and 3. https://t.co/BDMDLQuoXF
Eigenvectors of the Laplacian on compact planar domains define an orthogonal basis of oscillating functions, which generalize Fourier sinusoids. https://t.co/uEUf57QT8n
Edge collapse is a fundamental mesh processing primitive, at the heart of many mesh simplification methods. Influential papers by Hoppe, Garland and Heckbert.
https://t.co/Fp5rQyDtRf https://t.co/LPjMdAjPyy
Alpha-shapes is a multiscale family of simplicial complexes included in the Delaunay which generalizes convex hull and is useful for topological data analysis and shape reconstruction. https://t.co/jGOB7yh4oN
Harmonic functions are obtained by solving Laplace equation and define interpolating functions when using Dirichlet boundary conditions. https://t.co/KVQ0Hxsdmu
Lloyd’s algorithm is the continuous counterpart of k-means. Optimizes the optimal quantization energy, which is an optimal transport distance to free Dirac masses. https://t.co/xf5sbIDH7O https://t.co/f34sxMBM0f
Non-linear approximation in a Haar wavelets basis performs an adaptive approximation on a dyadic partition.
A paper I enjoyed reading recently: Multiscale Representations for Manifold-Valued Data, Ur Rahman, Drori, Stodden, Donoho, Schröder. Manifold-valued functions are difficult to study/process bc of lack of Hilbertian structure. Should be studied more! https://t.co/pfXwtAV9K3
The distance function defines offset of shapes and curves. Its singularities define the medial axis. https://t.co/tlvORTPLbH https://t.co/xxR4VLDfeV