

HE IS ENTERTAINER!! | 28 | ♂ | nintendo fan | silver lining enjoyer | can't shut up about your lie in april | making a miitopia army @ 58W6HFX

フォロー数:2679 フォロワー数:492

primape in alola vs primape in kanto

4 152

i have only watched TWO episodes & this girl's gremlin energy is already off the charts 🤣

61 255

hey remember yancy from pokemon black & white 2? well now you do

5 21

friendly reminder that auspex's prayer is a gorgeous wyrmprint 😭

3 17

ohhhhhhh if only fire emblem heroes had a dragalia crossover like dragalia had a fire emblem heroes crossover

3 4


🅱️ruh they need GLASSES
look at that majestic mane, etc. 😳

1 3

>sakura & corrin existing in the same airspace


0 1

how are these the same character 😭

5 7

get u a girl who looks at you like lillie looks at her newly-caught vulpix

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