

Illustration and Fanmerch | EN/ID | Cat holic | FUB free

フォロー数:2958 フォロワー数:1093

happy birthday to you Selen🥳

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halo, kalau mau datang day 2 aku ada chibi standee vox di F-29 ^^

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my country is celebrating today

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[ Luxiem fanmerch is up for order! ]

HALOO aku buka pre order sampai tanggal 31 Agustus khusus untuk di pick-up di CF nanti, untuk yang kirim-kirim juga bisa tapi akan dibuka setelah CF selesai so stay tune ✨
silahkan langsung dm untuk pemesanan

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not very good at composition

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never see boss making this face before he looks really sweet here 😭❤😭❤

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boss does have a reference in fashion 😳💛

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made this while waiting for the countdown stream

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