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Fans of Friends of Mineral Town the GBA classic get excited because the release date for Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town has been announced

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The first in a collection of videos has been released by Square Enix detailing the making of the highly anticipated JRPG, Final Fantasy VII Remake.

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Tales of Symphonia is awesome

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Riot Games has laid out their plan to develop systems to address player experiences across all their Riot titles. Check out our article to learn more.

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The magical world of Star Sable hits bookstores with the first in a new fantasy trilogy: “Soul Riders: Jorvik Calling further expanding Stable Entertainment

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Numskull Games has announced the Holy Potatoes! Compendium which brings together three spudtacular games to the Nintendo Switch this May.

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As the release of the remaster of Trials of Mana draws closer now is the opportunity to pre-order the JRPG to access some of the goodies.

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An official release date has been confirmed for Granblue Fantasy: Versus for both Europe and Australia, so get pre-ordering for all those digital goodies.

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Numskull Games has picked up Kickstarter funded hack ‘n slash retro gaming hit Battle Axe for consoles & PC. Check out article to learn more.

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In Rogue Lords become a recovering monstrous force that is trying to bring the world to their heel in this new rogue-like title.

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