

I am a general nerd who wants to be a Voice actor.…

フォロー数:427 フォロワー数:293

Some upcoming skins/ skin updates

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JWTG Level 40 Indominus rex skin got a massive upgrade..

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So how would someone go about turning this "character" into an avatar? Definitely not asking for youtube reasons

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Me: Hm yes I want to do voice actor things
Me: Never able to find VA work
Also Me: Well rip my luck anyways, proceeds to make 7 billion skins for every dinosaur game under the sun
Here's 4 upcoming skins for saturday

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Made it a bit brighter so hopefully it looks right in game

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they didn't really have my hair unfortunately.

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And then there's this absolute gem

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So the other night a few friends and I were messing around with picrew and I made myself a bunch of times, here's some of my favorites.

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