

not active; just thriving n livin my best life without screen time :) 💗

フォロー数:1162 フォロワー数:6054

yeah reigen is pretty neat but…. look at my babygirl guys

1 117

aw hell naw fellas dont be dying my boy turned homosexual 💀💀💀🙏 god bles
(more ocposting. his name is fireman)

1 37


still fleshing out her story and stuff but here is the design

2 69

…. i blame mugz..

173 1512

making my gym leader sona a tad insane because imo lorewise working with psychic pokemon can not be easy on the mind.

he works with looker on the international police as an archivist and runs a library and she investigates/studies pokemon anamolies (especially psychic) !

5 35

meow meow meow meo

2 80

or maybe twilight sparkle…??

0 18