∞ Garfy 🏳️‍⚧️ she/heさんのプロフィール画像

∞ Garfy 🏳️‍⚧️ she/heさんのイラストまとめ

I'm Garfy | 16+ sfw | she/he/they/it | furry | Garfield enthusiast | PFP by @LemiLem0n | dni proship / nsfw | 🆓🍉🇵🇸

フォロー数:1051 フォロワー数:334

This is the culprit. DAMN YOU NOAH!!!!! I'm going to dream you up again and punt you for making me wake up disappointed when I realized you weren't real https://t.co/Bn9kLpWzWx

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Omg cal haiii (2nd slide is their old design)

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HIII 😁 I'm Garfy and I'm aroflux and I make super epic art of my sillies. I post at least once every day 🙏 you should follow me

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I forgot to finish his little hat brim

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/ cw bug (moth)

Helloo 😁 i am autistic and have ehlers danlos syndrome (aka hypermobility) and i make silly art of my creatures please follow me

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