

Artist :) / / HoverGirls coming August 2024/ won a Hugo once! / trans rights are human rights

フォロー数:863 フォロワー数:142030

Orca for Mermay

1720 14071

Umm yall thanks for the love for this one, here's more cloudy ladies 😭

489 2081

Soul Crossing

1907 14062

Collect Call 🌤️

2011 13505

Luna Moth

2654 19874

Omg… idk why I’m having such a tough time with twitter. Here is the real unzoomed version 😆

292 1455

Y’all! HoverGirls has just been acquired by Bloomsbury Publishing! 😳 It will be released in print with a bunch of new content and lengthier story! It's expected in Spring 2024!
Thank you everyone who have read the original!!

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