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I missed issue 1 so I had to get the 2nd print & followed it up with issue came out this past HEART EYES from is intriguing. From the mind of I’m into it so far, we start to learn about Lupe’s secrets & otherworldly powers

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🤘Hell yeah! finished issue of THE ROADIE by perfect slow burn intro w/ a great set-up for what’s to come. This book is so under the radar…#mustread for any rock-n-roll otherworldly, fantasy, horror, supernatural fan. DONT SLEEP ON THIS BOOK.

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So this came out today and the modern day dream team managed to create a Spawn meets Harry Potteresque story that hooked me immediately. Good bad guys and bad good guys, magic, lore, style, and substance.

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What if you worked at a theme park that boasts the scariest ride ever created & that access uncovered true horrors behind the scenes? You might wanna check out DARK RIDE killer covr by & Little Mermaid homage

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Come on…look at this killer exclusive cover. This is for GUN HONEY from what outpouring of awesome covers for this awesome series by my wallet is hurting!

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upcoming book NIGHT OF THE GHOUL which follows a horror creator that must hunt his creation. Plus I’m sure the art will be killer by definitely a & plenty of great covers. release Oct 5, 2022

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Shannon Maer will debut his 1st creator owned comic. This is coming out from in Oct 2022. This book is entirely done by Shannon, I can’t wait to read this.

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GUN HONEY: Blood for Blood came out last month. This was a great intro to this Hard Case Crime imprint from and masterfully written by plus these covers GORGEOUS

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Potential Future Batman Key. BATMAN INCORPORATED is going to be filled with new Inc. members and villains. I mean look at the cover…RIGHT. written by this is going to be one for the pull list for sure.

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James Tynion IV is back with more tales from the WYND universe with THE THROWN IN THE SKY this is to be “darker and more dangerous” released August 2022.

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