

For the love of composing in sound, shape and colour.
I am an artist working in digital and analogue drawing and drone based ambient music.

フォロー数:45 フォロワー数:221

Oh man, I get such ideas from Disco Diffusion. For me, the secret is to make it make the unreal, not the real. The latter is boring as fuck. This last one really makes me wanna make room for some charcoal drawing.

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Got some more time today. Some cool results, but to obvious and not quite me yet. But closing in on something :)

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Got some RAM time on Disco Diffusion yesterday. It irritates me that I cant get Colab Pro in Norway. I need more time to experiment with prompts and other parameters.

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Testing out for the first time. Daaang this makes som gooood .I might a a tiny way to go to actually find something useful 😂

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And its all sold out. Thanks to everyone. Hope this piece will bring you lots of wondering and enjoyment :)

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