GEM || zine work👽さんのプロフィール画像

GEM || zine work👽さんのイラストまとめ

I draw || 16+
fixated on: OCs | TRIGUN | Dunmeshi
very slow DMs

Starting school soon💪💪💪

He/They || 22 ger/eng/ru/ukr(learnin)

フォロー数:2273 フォロワー数:55257
# oc

im spending hours figuring out his headshape lmfao

2 45

who doesn't like head pats

7 85

found an old sketch of muh boy in a white turtleneck, had to foken draw it look at himm

3 78

Bleeding (was supposed to be gold but it looked like cheese and i was too lazy to make it look better)

9 90