

Lesbian Poet. My Prose styled:
“Surreal indulgence, all composed complex labyrinthian, ethereality”

フォロー数:13168 フォロワー数:13231

Semblance enraptured we exist intertwined within versification, vivid rhapsody swathed the very first rays of her, for she whispers gentle an ancient perpetual colloquy & we doth touch true existence away o'er grime windows submerged ecstasy, let our souls begin lost to her silk.

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Oh, for 'tis her, statuesque fire glazed within claustrophobic heat only Baton Rouge midnight imparts. A Southern night's ecstasy slowly unfolds warm velvet cognizance & One cannot help but gaze upon curves lustrous pondering how 'tis possible cross the River Styx & never realize

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Eyes aspect, candle flicker inverts the symbols glint scribed upon naked boards. For now, cast forth Pythoness, prophesier of the nine, a seer few dare beckon & thus upon smoke stifling air, to us summon an image fleetingly showing our ubiquity in metamorphosis, smokefall drowned

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Miles & miles dull motor drone, just amber glow of dash & arioso stereo. A mirror glimpse reveals just how far we've come, how far from revenants & our eyes lower to dried blood still upon hands, eliciting a smile at how it got there, for blood the poet always tells such a story.

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Silently journey forth to an absolute point of flawless isolation, esoteric & there become aware, aware of the flow of time encapsulated within the ensuing connection. For each deep breath the world & cosmos spins upon eternal axis & finally realize the sheer unique beauty within

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Smoke flits entwined a sensual breath & thus await our spectral audience, ancient shadows a desired accost upon this torn petal stage. For cast forth our demons upon umbriferous nights where light succumbs to die & still falls our frayed curtain yearnings, dowsed such an encore.

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