

Artist, writer, world builder. they/them. Working on fantasy TTRPG Songs we Sing.

Commissions Closed

フォロー数:1656 フォロワー数:2211

"Captive's Fury"

Commission for mech for

21 69

Qieratax Advancements COMET

A commission for I flipped the lighting layer on and off and thought the flickering effect was too good not to take a little extra effort on to turn into a .gif.

5 21


Commission for DerpClark from the Discord.

15 58

"Boolean Truth"

Commission for 's character and mech that they're playing in a game of with some friends.

17 69

Vapor Vestir Vira Bellour commissioned by !

3 6

Its been a while since I've updated my SwSona. Gave her a Halberd-ish thing because I fear mounted cavalry.

8 33

"Clear as a crisp spring morning!"

0 5