

Artist, writer, world builder. they/them. Working on fantasy TTRPG Songs we Sing.

Commissions Closed

フォロー数:1656 フォロワー数:2211

Saltsimulacrum's Warlock Eshka Senn

Just in time for Bungie's anniversary, I want to play Destiny 2 again but there's too many good games and too much art to make😔

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Character portrait for of their hackerman Evan Reid

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I opened my Ko-fi memberships!

They include a fancy color for your name in the Songs we Sing discord also, and honestly it's just like my patreon, but not on patreon. I'll be cross-posting updates on both so pick your poison!

Link below~

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I've been playing a lot of Halo infinite so drew my favorite helmet.

EVA For life (Till Security is available but ya know)

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Since the big cheese got a redesign I wanted to redraw her and I finally got a chance to!

Have a gouda sunday everyone!

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Gura, Drummer of the Depths🦈

Final holomyth girl AU'd into my TTRPG songs we Sing. After messing around a lot with the design, I settled on making Gura a Lost like Calli. First stream of hers I saw was Taiko drum master so that image of her stuck.

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Had a block I needed to get unblocked so drew 's Nottingham

Read her webcomic~ and follow her~

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Calliope, Singer of Dead Beats💀

Calli as an Orator of the dead from my TTRPG setting Songs we Sing. Concept for this one was she's a Lost (Ghost-ish half-mortal half-deities) who uses a speaker scythe to rouse the dead.

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Amelia, Detective of Clocktowers⏱️

Ame as a courier from my TTRPG Songs we Sing. Vanilla human, but with powers to bend time to find whats been lost within it. Her outfit stayed the most faithful since it already works.

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Kiara, Knight of Sparks✨

A continuation of my series of holoEN girls as characters from my TTRPG setting Songs we Sing. thinking about Kiara being a reverie (Flying cloud lady) was what lit a fire under my butt to make more of these!

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