

23 || She / Theh
Español - English
Inconsistent schedule™

フォロー数:333 フォロワー数:146

Now that I am in to deep on this beautiful game, I wanted to draw my apprentice's first thoughts on this three dorks.

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Doodles of my persona! Geo the onion

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"Draw this in your style" drawings cause these are really fun!

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An art trade I did with the awesome @ eggling.png on Instagram!
[Go check them out, they made pretty rad art, holy cow!]
I must say I feel very proud of how this turned out :)

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Part six [and FINAL part] of "thank God this is over, sorry for the spam"
Original artwork!

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Part five of "for the love of God, why do I make so many drawings and forget to post them?"


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Part four of "please spare my soul, to many drawings coming [oh no]"
FanArt~ [Sean, Signe and Marzia]

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Part three of "things that I have done but forgot to post, sorry [damn, this going to be long]"

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Part two of "things that I have done but forgot to post, sorry"
Art trades!

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First drawings of the year! Doing art trades on Instagram ;)
A very nice lady asked for a drawing of and this is my first time ever drawing this sweet boy but I really liked how they turn out.

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