

Comic Book Artist: City of Rot, Return to Camp Rainbow, Can't Kill Cade, Wirehead.…
[email protected]

フォロー数:723 フォロワー数:597

Read and download Can't Kill Cade for free. Here's some of my favorite shots.

7 17

Can't kill cade out now from alterna and coming soon

4 16

Check me out, i draw all kinds of cool stuff haha

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his art is amazing but he also forged his own path. I love that he does original work & occasionally does work for big 2 but when he does it's his way.
Moebius, one of the most creative forces ever. I love that he would also change up his style project to project.

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If he was still alive, Mako. Now i would like ralph ineson or laurence fishburne

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