

23. they/he. white. butch. disabled. painter.

フォロー数:246 フォロワー数:705

i was trying to sleep but she looks rlly good

0 6

iris napping in various positions and her in her new box that is perfectly iris sized

0 8

i just think it would be fun if moiraine and siuan did drugs in the white tower is that too much to ask

1 13

as it blackens and burns it grows stronger. ok. ok .

4 59

ok. ill be done after this but

11 69

ok i read like 200 pages of the fires of heaven today and the love and support aviendha and egwene give each other.

0 5

im still reeling from the not-astrid encounter :/

8 50

ok actually not all the forsaken were boring asmodean was fun and heres a pic from the wiki to prove it

0 7

shes so perfect. heres a vide of her taking a massive bite of grass. dont mind my awkward commentary.

0 1