

23. they/he. white. butch. disabled. painter.

フォロー数:246 フォロワー数:705

oh geez thats me

1 14

dont like doing these digital but hey

0 6

cue immigrant song by led zeppelin

39 175

doodles from last night i didnt post here

0 14

album: i hate jazz by mike krol
top 3:
like a star
natural disaster
seventeen (age)

0 1

album: unholy savior by battle beast
top 3:
i want the world and everything in it

0 1

album: touch up by mother mother
top 3 songs:
touch up
angry sea
tic toc

0 2

i have a whole folder of cr screencaps

0 12

please this is important does anyone have that cat pic thats one cat layinf the other one to rest like this

0 1