

reader of romance books | watcher of sports | researcher of history | hear my voice on @broadscastpod | she/her

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I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm not dumb... and I also know that I'm not blonde. - Dolly Parton (icon)

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Minus the dive bombing bats I recommend visiting this place at least once

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I’m too lazy to take a picture of it right now but it basically looks like this: aka NOTHING LIKE THE JÄGERMEISTER SYMBOL!!!

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A close second is the entirety of the Empire Marketing Board which was formed in 1926 to “promote intra-Empire trade” and heavily focused its campaigns on women as new consumers, and as the true controllers of the household

(also I find their posters fascinating)

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The perfect dinner view

(my god we are lucky to live here)

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