

Digital artist /abstract surrealism/3Dart
Krita /Blender3D…

Art is the journey of a free soul. (Alev Oguz)🌈🎨

フォロー数:472 フォロワー数:717

The turtle before the rendering filter. Useful tool.

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"Little ice spider woman . Delicate but not powerless". Painted with G'MIC filters (rendering snowflake2/degradation blur glow for the red spider web)

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The Serpent’s Tongue by Tom Bagshaw artist

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Hi!! I'm Trish. Your artist support thread is cool, good idea, thank you !!! I'm a french digital artist working with Krita software. Since few time with Mandelbulb3Dv1.9.1 too , maybe some stuffs mixed in the futur, i will see. Cool to meet other artists and different artworks!

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