Jon Denningさんのプロフィール画像

Jon Denningさんのイラストまとめ

turning coffee into code and pixels...
- dev: @cgcookie, @orangeturbine (@retopoflow...)
- assoc prof: @taylorcse, @tayloru
- @[email protected]

フォロー数:407 フォロワー数:1489

drawing stippled, antialiased line segments in for 2.80

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updates on for 2.80: starting to rewrite UI using new CookieCutter. still very much a wip (tons of style tweaking, more issues/bugs to eliminate, few more UI elements to create, some "glue" code to write), but RF for 2.80 is finally starting to take shape!

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UI system handles well unicode characters! in the attached screenshot, bullet chars for list and em dash at end. also, italicized words ("runs _very_ slowly") and subheaders ("Known Issues...", "Final Words...").

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improved help system: now, all built-in help docs are accessible through the help system without needing to change tools!

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RetopoFlow 2.0 is starting to look good! cannot wait to show it off!

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looking forward to this year!

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made pacman clone to prep for game dev workshop (feb27) for next gamejam (mar3-5)

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wip screenshot: a cool, new, highly-requested feature for retopoflow :)

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retopoflow update (4): tweak tool now can relax

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