


フォロー数:459 フォロワー数:298

At the At the
beginning end
of the of the
decade decade

8 9

🥶🥶 i kinda like the color tbh

2 4

Mayan lah buat pertama nyoba pentab :,,D yaallah maafkan ak krn keseringan tracing dari tradi jadi kagok ksldksl

0 4

Misi anak q numpang lewat. Ah inimah jadul banget, udah setahunan ga nyentuh digi 🤣🤣

0 1

(ง •̀__•́)ง 'taehyungie lets fight when i'm already tall than you!' said jeonggukie with his anger face.

0 0

missing jungkookie hour is open.

5 8

((งง •̀•̀__•́•́))งง lets fight

3 6