Faerghast \|/さんのプロフィール画像

Faerghast \|/さんのイラストまとめ

YouTube videos about Fire Emblem 99% of the time.
Online Personal Trainer helping gamers look like their favorite characters. Send a message!

フォロー数:220 フォロワー数:20171

we've got some Shadows of Valentia content coming soonnnnnnnnnn

20 442

I was at the gym the other day and no lie, I started talking about Pokemon with this random person and she asked what my favorite pokemon and I actually got to talk about Trapinch.

30 929

Heya Fire Emblem fans!!! Just letting you all know that , the voice of Ingrid, is doing her LAST signing of the year. You can pre-order prints here: https://t.co/Ptim7IX6P9

10 62

got a Fire Emblem Fates video for tomorrow hopefully!

28 555

Happy birthday Fire Emblem: Three Houses. One of the best Fire Emblem games in the series. Very important to me and the growth of my channel. Met a lot of great people because of this game. Can't wait to see what's next for the series.

278 1758

FEH duo hero idea

42 818

That time the Fire Emblem community tried to keep the Langrisser Premium Arrange II a secret.

392 2634

Fire Emblem turns 31 today. Happy birthday to the game series that has categorically influenced the trajectory of my entire life.

128 1658

It's Path of Radiance's birthday today. My family got me the game for my birthday and I have fond memories. I spent lots of videos this year revisiting FE9 and talking about the game's utterly AMAZING cast of characters. It's not without its faults, but save that for another day!

69 571

imo, Edelgard and Byleth's friendship is the strongest among the lords in White Clouds.

39 533