

💛female, German, doxxed 💜likes 2 help & draw stuff 🩷creator of @waxwaifus #smugblushes 🐒🍌@Crypt0monKeys co-artist 🧁@HunnysNFT VIP #WAXartist

フォロー数:1855 フォロワー数:2277

Purple king?
They call me the Purple Wizard.
Pleased to meet you.
I'm female, obviously.

4 11

So. If you want to rage, go ahead 😆🫶

0 4

I'll just show. If you like something, tell me. Have a safe trip! 🫶

0 1

Can't decide. But thanks for having a look 🫶

4 8

Bahahah, no, I got none listed anymore, just made them. 🫶
Still curious for yours!

0 2

Let's try it with something colorful.

0 1

Ladies and Hupeymen, the submissions for the monochromatic challenge are closed. The judges will retreat to vote now.
But keep your eyes peeled, there might be something for our community to do, too 👀

3 17