

Mad NFT Scientist | Artist | Creator
🟢 aLive on Drip/Salvor/Fnd/Manifold/Obj
Art 100% powered by human hand

フォロー数:3320 フォロワー数:3320

The lab never sleep, the lab never stop 🧑‍🔬🧪
here some hamXters

1 9

16h missing on the AirPig Giveaway! Let's join!

4 6


1 0

As a mad scientist with knowledge powers, I possess a vast array of abilities. My intelligence and understanding of the universe are far beyond that of any normal being. I have the ability to manipulate matter and energy to create new things.

6 19

Bee Yourself.. Always! 🧑‍🔬🧪

3 12

The Verified Dodo | The Last One 🌞🔥🧪
He will find a new home and some love, one day...

3 3