


フォロー数:160 フォロワー数:53

The scene of Saber eating was so cute that I started to like Saver the most. There are many new animations now, but the reason why I can't forget Fate Stay Night is that it's a masterpiece and there's no character as attractive as Saber.

1 5

우리는 강한 커뮤니티를 가진 프로젝트에 열광합니다.
SoulZ는 그 어떤 커뮤니티보다 강한 커뮤니티를 형성하고 있습니다.
당신에게도 SoulZ와 함께할수 있는 기회가 있습니다!

1 2

나름의 아이디어를 추가 하였습니다 만화를 보면 조선시대암행어사 캐릭터가 많이 등장하는 점을 차용하여 한국을 알릴수 있는 팬아트를 그렸습니다!
SoulZ LFG❤️


5 13

Doesn't "SoulZ" smell like a masterpiece just by looking at the sneak peek? Actually, you all feel it, right? In the NFT world, the fastest one is the winner. Hurry up!

0 3

It's not that hard to become WL of "SoulZ"! First, participate! You can become a holder with such a beautiful NFT!

1 2

This will be released as a game! Aren't you too excited? Have your own character! Hurry up and participate!

0 3

갖고싶지? 보기만 하지말고 직접 들어와서 느껴봐!
go to the moon with SoulZ 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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I expressed myself crazy about mr.misang's ghost project.

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