

kwe | Canada's Aboriginal problem | Living on Indigenous land? Pay some rent. PayYourRent.ca | repped by rob AT transatlanticagency.com

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A subversive compassion.

Everywhere Canadian and US capital goes, violence follows. And miscompassion, that compassion that hides the source of suffering, covers it up.

my newest substack


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I ask because I can see that your logo is a white man wearing a plains style headdress. And the actual Mohawks who play against you didn't wear that kind of headdress.

So, idk. Even your logo looks like you're white guys cosplaying Indian and not even doing it well.

2 33

There is some gorgeous artwork being made for Reconciliation day. What have you found?

Remember to credit the artist and use alt text to describe the image

A community armed with ancestral wisdom is an unstoppable force 🧡
Urban Iskwew - Artwork by Hawlii Pichette

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