

Mai ❤️

フォロー数:567 フォロワー数:669

henlo-The snek. Pls boop him politely.
...I'm having too much fun

6 28

just some examples, literally older mh games. Even bulky monoblos shows some female face. It's just how female characters have been. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. But yea its upsetting to see people bashing the work the devs put into subreak for people to complain idk.

0 40

they should add these 2 to sunbreak

47 451

pls make layered palamute mod id be so happy xD

0 5

Best elder, I hope to see him in main series one day. ;w;

0 8

you're so amazing whyyyy

0 1

just want switch friends who wanna do pvp in stories

0 4