Nou 😈さんのプロフィール画像

Nou 😈さんのイラストまとめ

Persian | Obsessed with Anime & Genshin Impact | Albedo main | Future Al Haitham & Dainsleif Haver | Too honest and intelligent for your fragile minds 😇

フォロー数:21 フォロワー数:17

Lol so Albedo’s 3D model’s “horribly butchered” although he literally looks like all the other teen models (especially male MC) but ok. The only thing you did is make his eyes smaller. Sorry, but the only butchered model I’m seeing is yours 🤭💖

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Also jokes on the haters, I love both his official art and the in-game model 💖 Mihoyo did a fantastic job 🌸

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Why is that one person always replying under most Albedo related tweets I post, don’t you have a life? You’re creepy, pls stop stalking my acc just bcs you can’t handle the things I say on here. I don’t even read your replies anymore bcs they make no sense dude

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Even his fighting style is so elegant and aesthetically pleasing ❤️🥺

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I love how I present facts, and people present me with assumptions in return. Back up your claims like I do or don’t even bother trying to invalidate these facts with the same fruitless assumptions / headcanons. Literally tell me where it says he’s “20+”?He’s a “shounen” period.

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He’s referred to as a teenager in Chinese and Japanese, so to me he is one, same as traveler and Xingqiu :) So yeah not a little kid, but not an adult either. His concept art looks quite young to me, definitely not an adult. Around 16-17 to be precise.

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It’s always the ones with Kaeya in their please don’t make me hate the character for having weird and toxic stans 😭 they’re always so vocal on ships they deem problematic yet they ship their man with a certified shounen 👏 hypocrisy at its finest!

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The dudebros hate on Albedo bcs he makes them question their sexuality, let’s be real. Or maybe it’s gender envy? Lol

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Albedo & Klee art (and fanart) is the most wholesome thing I’ve ever seen ❤️ These siblings rule 😌👏

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Gosh this is way too cute and it’s literally official art 😍❤️ Source: official Chinese 1.2 update livestream (I wonder why the English version didn’t include this)

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