

Size changing superheroine with a heart of gold, questionable comedy and just a tad clumsy! Watch your step little ones, I'm coming to save the day! I Male IRL

フォロー数:2804 フォロワー数:6224

Amazon sized again I suppose ... shame... still feels short after being Mega ...

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*squeaks and hides behind the coffee cup*

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I know .... Ive failed my oath of smallness...

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A "little" throwback to that time I imagined myself as a leprechaun ... yeah, I'm not the best artist :p but Happy Saint Patrick's Day one and all!

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Im going to ... im going to ... cry 😢

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Just a little something I made myself ~ based on some awesome artwork from a friend of mine ~ <3 It's also a cool unlockable feature on my Discord server Minitropolis ~ a fun place to express your inner geek and enjoy some sizeplay shenanigans!

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*squeaks shyly as she pulls on 's pantleg looking up* "H-Hiya sweetie, looking great ... think I'm ready for our date ..." I squeak and smile

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Heya, are you getting taller?? Nope, just me, I'm getting smaller!!" I blush, continuing to cheer even as I shrink tinier and tinier, eventually just a 3 inch tall cheerleader on the ground "I'll still retain my zestful pep, but as for you, please watch your step!"

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So since "tiny cheerleader" was pretty popular, and let's be honest, I enjoy some time being little, I'm thinking about doing it after I get this "bigness" out of my system ... whattaya think?

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Awwww gosh, what a chant. To me you look like an ant ... but here's a cheer for you, Cathy you rock, yes you do!!

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